About me

I am currently working toward the PhD degree in the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
I received my Master’s degree in Beijing Forestry University , China.


  • Knowledage Graph
  • Graph Data Mining


Sogou Voice Interaction Center

  • 2018/3/20 - 2019/5/20
  • NLP Research Intern
  • Responsible for the advanced technology related to the language model of speech recognition in industry, and explored the application of related technologies to Sogou-related products based on Sogou zhiyin Engine.

Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • 2017/12/01 - 2018/3/15
  • Research Intern
  • It mainly participates in the data-related work in the horizontal and vertical projects of the laboratory

Honors and Awards

  • The National College Internet Commerce Innovation Application Contest: National Grand Prize (Top 10) (2015)

  • The National College Computer Design Contest: National second prize (2015)


  • Outstanding physical and psychological qualities
  • One of the 50 members of the 600,000 candidates in Anhui Province who were qualified for the final selection of the China Air Force in 2013